Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Brighter Star

Often times I get asked what my favorite photo sessions have been in the past. When I get asked, I always seem to name a different one from an answer I gave previously to someone else. As photographers our styles are constantly changing. I love change. Ask my wife! I absolutely LOVE change especially – especially(!) when it’s a positive change.

Blogs are so abundant these days, it’s really tough to keep up with all of them. But one blog in particular that I try to stay up-to-date with is by Josh White. For years, my favorite band has been Telecast – Josh White is the lead singer for the band. The lyrics, the emotion, the song-writing just captures me like no other band. Josh has a way of conveying so much in very few simple words. Here’s an excerpt from his blog that I read not too long ago:

“I remember seeing Radiohead in concert in 1995, they were so amazing that I was depressed for a month because I could not accept that I would never be that good. I was unable to even enjoy the show, I could not celebrate their brilliance. How often are we like this as Christians? Scripture says God shows personal favoritism to no man and yet there seem to be stars that shine so much brighter than us….” Josh goes on to say, “Love does not envy. It is not competitive. It celebrates other’s victories. Most importantly if we always want what others have maybe it is because we are not experiencing what only God can give. Envy kills relationships but kindness draws us out of ourselves and allows us to celebrate one another. May we be jealous only for God and His glory to be manifested in and through our lives, as we love one another.”

I was so encouraged. Over the years, as I’ve looked back at past sessions and photographs, I try to aim higher and higher with the next and the next. Sometimes we want to be better. To reach the top. To finally arrive. But over the years, God has been revealing to my wife and I that it’s not about being THE BEST or being the brighter star, but about pointing to the ONE who supplies us with our gifts, which is Jesus! With this mindset, it motivated and propelled me all the more to do my absolute best and to truly give my all. HOWEVER, the reason behind it is completely different. I believe God has given people – especially His own children - creative and unique minds. Our God is a creator and I believe that art and creativity are an important part of the church. It is my desire that my best effort shines through in my work. As believers, we see the eyes through a completely different pair of eyes! Life is so much more beautiful. So I try to convey that by capturing moments through a photograph.

Change is good when it’s meant to mature and direct our attention to Someone rather than to just ourselves. I hope you’re encouraged to always give your all, but don’t put yourself down if you’re not the biggest and the best. Our goal in life is not to win the applause of men, but of God Himself. We are to shine. Bright. We are to be the brightest star. “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.” - Philippians 2:14-15. You want to shine brightly? I believe shining for God is the greatest thing we can do on this earth.

Going back to the beginning: In an attempt to answer the question: What is my favorite photo session? I’ll make it easier on myself. What was my favorite photo session as of THIS YEAR? It would probably have to be last month’s photo session of Ben & Rebecca. Young and in love. My favorite combination. They were so easy to work with and were up for anything. We really had a great time and everything turned out better than we expected. I truly have a remarkable team who works well together and are always doing it with a smile. Some of the pictures were taken in my own neighborhood. Our good friend Geroge let us borrow his motorcycle so Ben and Rebecca hopped on and we captured some great shots. Here are a few photos from their session. More can be found on

Keep shining.



  1. Great pictures! Keep up the good work. God Bless!

  2. Thank you Damaris! May the Lord abundantly bless you. :)

  3. Great GREAT post Sammy! you have great talent and i love that you are giving God the Glory. Your family and business will be blessed.

    I absolutely love everything about this session. I will be following your blog. :)

    Blessings, jenny

  4. Thank you Jenny, your encouragement means so much :) God bless you!
