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“Having nothing yet possessing everything.”
2 Corinthians 6:10
Thankfulness humbles me. I realize that everything I have could not have been given to me without the Lord’s hand moving towards the direction of grace. As mere humans we tend to neglect, forget, or ignore the true meaning of what giving thanks entitles. Giving thanks is not something done once a year on a particular November day, nor an utterance of words done out of mere impulse. Giving thanks is setting aside time and realizing that all that you have is given to you by God’s hand which daily reaches down to pour His grace upon your life. Simplicity is beautiful. Although searched by many it is found by so little. Simplicity is a treasure found only when one allows the Creator to enter the burdensome heart. When Simplicity is discovered true thankfulness unveils. For it is only then that one realizes that although they have nothing, or hold very little, it is in that moment that they have Everything. Having Everything brings one to true thanksgiving.
Acknowledge what you hold while it is here. While you can touch it. When you can see it. Don’t wait to know what you have only when it is gone. When you no longer have its grasp. A life absent from a heart of thanksgiving leaves one paralyzed to the Lord’s abundant blessings that lie ahead. Take advantage of every opportunity you encounter and every smile you can give away. Live today in passion for the Glorious Unseen.
Search for Simplicity and when you have found it, hold it near. Know God sees the simple things done out of a pure heart and cherishes them for eternity.
Live today being thankful for everything you have. The seen, the unseen and everything in between.
- Natalia Cosa
“It's the beauty of simplicity
That brings me down to my knees
I'll Praise You for eternity
And Lord I love You
because You, You first loved me
It's the beauty of simplicity
that fills me with eternity
I tasted Your divinity
and Lord I love You
Because You, You first loved me.”
- Telecast
Damaris & Eli [wedding date: may 29. 2010]
Giving thanks for two lives soon to be joined and never separated.